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Tuition & Fees

Monthly tuition is based on frequency and location. Please complete the contact form for an initial consultation to determine your child’s needs. Sessions are normally fifty minutes to one hour in duration. Tuition is paid monthly and due on the 1st day of each month. (For example, October tuition is due October 1st). Therapy commitment and payment run month-to-month.

Formal progress reports are provided to parents every six months to one year, depending on the student. Curriculum supplies and consumables, benchmark assessments, all parent conferences, and yearly reports are included in each student’s monthly tuition. Marvelous Kidz, LLC, will also consult with your child’s teachers, and other specialists with written parent permission, if necessary.


The significant, interdependent elements that make Multisensory Structured Language Therapy (MSLT) so effective for reading and writing are MSLT methodologyintensity (1 to 1), frequency (average 12-16 sessions/month), and duration (often 24-36 continuous months). Sessions typically occur daily: Monday through Thursday, year-round , on a set schedule for a minimum of 12 sessions each month.